How to Grow Tobacco in Australia

Tobacco, one of the world’s biggest commercial plants has certainly attracted attention from millions of people around the world with more individuals becoming farmers in order to smoke their own homemade cigars. Speaking of growing tobacco plants, is it possible to grow tobacco plants in Australia? Well, this question is rather interesting because tobacco actually has long history in this country dated from more than a century ago. Located near some of the biggest tobacco producers in the world like Indonesia, Australia definitely is located in strategic position. But, do people in Australia have as much interest as people in US when it comes to growing tobacco in the backyard?

Regulations on Tobacco in Australia

Just before we reveal how much interest people in Australia have toward growing their own tobacco, we should see how the Australian government reacts to this. Well, we should use the Act 1901 as reference to find out the answer. This more than one century old act was made in 1901 and is still applicable in Australia until this very moment. According to this Act, the people in Australia are forbid to grow and produce tobacco leaves, seeds and plants without having the producer license granted by Australia government. Based on this Act, the person having interest to grow tobacco should get producer license prior to growing, moving and dealing in tobacco seeds, leaves and plants. Meanwhile, a dealer license is required for those who want to sell and buy the tobacco plants, seeds and leaves.

Including for those who want to move tobacco plants, leaves and seeds from one place to another place are required to obtain government’s permission before doing it. From this particular law and regulation, it is quite clear how it tends to be difficult for people in Australia to grow their own tobacco plants and smoke their own cigars. Well, the possibility for growing tobacco is wide open though it requires certain effort to make it happen because government license is required.

Government of Australia has actually been trying to reduce the number of people smoking tobacco and cigars so this regulation pretty much sums up some of the strategies they have been implementing. Meanwhile, there is apparently another reason behind the decline of locally grown tobacco in Australia within the last decades. It is the government regulation to cut the rate of imported tobacco leaves. This decision has led many tobacco manufacturers in Australia to import tobacco leaves from other countries in order to get cheaper raw materials.

At the same time, there has been increasing awareness regarding the negative side effects of tobacco plantation such as the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, deforestation and contamination on water resources. These are among the main concerns of Australian government and the people about locally grown tobacco. While it is true that big tobacco plantation can create such effects, the small household tobacco garden is actually harmless. It is as safe as other plants. So, anytime you think of growing your own tobacco plants in your backyard, you actually do not have too much thing to consider unless the license.

Based on the law and regulation explained above, it is so clear that individuals, groups or companies should obtain license before growing the plants. In some cases, obtaining the license can take a few weeks or months depending on the situation. Once the license is granted, the individuals should also pay certain duty to the products they produce including the leaves and seeds. So, the cost of growing tobacco can be pretty high. It doesn’t only include the treatment or caring cost but also the duty.

Consequences of Illegally Growing Tobacco in Australia

Here is a question. What will happen if individual who illegally grows tobacco get caught by the government? What consequences will they have to face? To answer this question, we should use the Ection 28 as reference. On this regulation, the Australia government clearly states that those who illegally grow tobacco will receive penalty of imprisonment for the illegal act that they have done. There is no exception in this so everyone who is found guilty should face the consequences.

In terms of the consequences, there are two types, the penalty and imprisonment. Let’s talk about the imprisonment first. According to the applicable regulation, the imprisonment is at least 2 year for anyone who has been caught for illegally growing tobacco plants even though only one plant. The more plants growing, the longer the imprisonment that the suspect have to endure. Meanwhile, the penalty is another type of consequence. Here is where the thing gets more exciting. Australia government seems to not hesitate prosecuting those who illegally grow tobacco because the person has to pay at least 500 penalty unit. Each penalty unit is at least $170 so when a person is forced to pay 500 penalty unit, it equals to $85.000. This is definitely a huge amount of money for only one tobacco plant.

With this serious imprisonment and penalty units, it is only normal when people in Australia always think twice and more every time they think of illegally growing tobaccos. Instead of doing things behind the back of Australia government, applying for license first before growing tobacco plants is what they do. Once they get the license, they can start growing tobacco plants and producing their own personal cigars. These homemade cigars have become quite popular thanks to the fact that the cigars are more harmless because they do not contain any additional chemical ingredients. These cigars are freshly made from locally grown tobacco leaves that have been processed in their own kitchen.

What You Need to Grow Tobacco in Australia

So, you have the license on your hand and you are more than ready to start growing your own tobacco plants for personal or commercial use. What things do you need to do it? There are at least three things you need including:

1. Seeds
Every plant is started with seed including the tobacco plants. Although it is possible to harvest your own seed, it is a more practice option to buy the seeds from producers. Or, you can visit the heritage seed suppliers or local seeds merchants to find the seeds. However, it is important for you to check the importing restrictions or any applicable regulations before purchasing. Make sure to find seeds of the tobacco plants you want because there are many different kinds of tobacco plants.

2. Seedling Location
Now that you have the seeds, continue by seedling. This process means growing the seeds into starter plants. The ideal location should be a place with sunny sill or window. It should be protected from harsh weather so the seeds stay protected. To begin the seedling process, you have to prepare certain pots and put the seed into the pot filled with fertile and moist soil. Instead of pot, seed tray can be used. Make sure the seeds get sunlight every day but exposing it to rain or wind because rain and wind can damage the seeds. The seeds should get regular watering as well but not too much that the water flooding the tray. Too much water will kill the seeds too.

3. Planting Location
The last thing you need is planting location to plant the starter plants you have been growing from the seeds. The ideal planting location is outside under the sun with enough sunlight and water. Of course, fertile soil is a must. The plants have to be planted in row that each row is located 3 feet apart to each other. Once the plants have become mature reaching around 7 feet tall, then you can start harvesting the leaves and process them into cigars.

In terms of growing tobacco plants, you have to consider about the number of plants you want to grow. To figure out how many plants you need to plant, you need to consider what purpose you have for growing the plants. Do you want to use the leaves for cigars or for bug spray? If what you want is to make cigars from the plants that you can smoke anytime, you need a dozen of plants at least. The more cigars you smoke, the more plants you have especially if you have other family members who also smoke cigars.

Basically, growing your own tobacco plants and make your own cigars are cheaper than buying a pack of commercial cigars. You can save hundreds to thousands of dollars every year with it. Of course, it sounds like a perfect idea especially if you are also into plants and have your own garden to manage. It will not be too much job when you add a dozen of tobacco plants, right?

Care for Tobacco Plants

Imagine you have the plants start to grow in your garden, it means you have some care and treatment you need to take care of to make sure the plants grow optimally. The 7 feet tall plants somehow make your garden more appealing that you love seeing how it looks from the porch every morning and afternoon. Is the care and treatment for tobacco plants difficult? Well, actually, it is not that complicated. It can even be considered simple and easy for beginners. Of course, good care always starts with good and fertile soil that has been dug well. The soil should be moist but not too wet or flood with water. One more thing you have to know. The seedling and planting location is better to be in different areas.

When the plants grow bigger, you will notice the side shoots start to grow from the main stalk. This is what makes this plant have similarity with tomatoes plant. For every side shoot you see growing from main stalk, you need to remove or pinch it immediately. You can tell the plants start to reach maturity when they start flowering at the top. But the flowers are not for you to adore. Instead, they should be pinched or removed. Later, you can save the seeds from the flowers for seedling the next planting season. This way, you do not have to buy seeds from suppliers.

In terms of treatment, pest has been one of the main issues. But the good news is the pest in Australia is considered minimal unlike other areas in Asia for instance that have various pests endangering the lives of the plants. The old way to get rid of the pesticide is effective already so no chemical pesticide is needed. The natural pesticide refers to cigars butts soaked in water for a few days. Then, use the water to spray the plants to get rid of any pests. This natural pesticide has been working so well for tomatoes plants so it should be great for tobacco.


Here comes the most interesting part of growing your own tobaccos, the harvesting and curing. When it comes to harvesting, it is actually very simple and effortless. Ideal harvesting requires you to cut only the leaves using scissors. Usually, the upper leaves have better quality and taste compared to the lower leaves. You may not want to forget about that. With only a dozen of plants, the harvesting may take only one day to complete. Afterward, you can soon start the processing to turn the leaves into cigars.

In the processing, there is one difficult process called as curing tobacco. This is where many people get quite desperate to get the best result. Curing refers to a particular process of drying the tobacco. It involves moderately controlled environment. To create such environment is the most difficult thing to do because some people do not have enough idea on how to do it. And, there may be some additional efforts to do with the leaves before the curing process begins. So, it takes certain effort by asking those with more experience. In Australia, you can actually join groups consisting individuals growing tobacco plants for cigars and have other people in the group to help you.


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